I am going to write a story where the flawed but lovable victim of a mad scientist’s gene splicing experiment says “I’m sorry. I’m only sorta human.”
My NEXT next book
My next book will be about a Greek woman who drives taxi by day and trains for a marathon by night.
The title will be DEMETER IS RUNNING.
Russian inspirations
I’m writing a new version of Crime and Punishment where all the characters are deer.
I’ll publish it under the name Fyodor Doestoyevsky.
Then I’m going to write a script for a movie where the life story of a famous Russian writer is told by a toy cowboy and spaceman and dinosaur.
Yes. That would be Tolstoy Story.
Excuse me!
Sometimes I apologize to inanimate objects when I bump into them by accident.
If I bump into them on purpose, it’s generally nothing personal.
Beneath dead leaves
Green shoots look up at snow
And laugh; “Your days are numbered,” they think,
“And ours are yet to come.”
Nobody seems to think about these details (other than me), and probably for good reason
If the world was my oyster, how would I possibly get enough cocktail sauce to go with it?
Should’ve worn goggles, I guess
When the moon hits MY eye like a big pizza pie, for an instant I realize the whole ‘moon is made of cheese’ thing was true.
When the moon hits my eye like a big pizza pie, I say “OW OW HOT MOLTEN CHEESE OW.”
Recruiting possibilities for the Sith
Hey, how about an evil Sith Ewok? Or a Sith Gungan?
Winter storm names
The names I give winter storms are normally muttered under my breath as I’m out shoveling snow.
This means WAR!
Is there any way I could secretly instigate a war between the Ewoks and the Gungans?