Waiting for a train at the airport
The problem with autocorrect is that it makes such strange substitutions sometimes that it completely throws me off my train of thought by the time I notice it.
I’m on my train of thought, but autocorrect has changed it to an airport.
Because stasis can be stultifying
Change – and the possibility of change, and the imagining of change, and sometimes the actual realization of change – is the basis for hope.
They’re everywhere
All of my stories have #werewolves in them. It’s just that some of them are not recognizable as such at the moment.
Daylight Shifting Time
If someone said “HEY LET’S ALL GET UP AN HOUR EARLY FOR THE NEXT EIGHT MONTHS SO WE SEE MORE SUN IN THE EVENING” I would probably say “But I don’t like getting up earlier.”
… So I Couldn’t Write “The End.”
I had a pen that was running out of ink. So I used the pen that was running out of ink to write a story about a pen running out of ink. Until it ran out of ink.
New MacBook Air this spring?
I love my MacBook Air.
Don’t Buy an Apple Laptop Until the New MacBook Air Comes Out
The breakfast of…
Typing in Wheaties for a search on athletes on their cereal boxes, I typed in Whaties instead, and now I want to write a story about Whaties, the cereal made from who knows what.
Typing in Wheaties for a search on athletes on their cereal boxes. Typed in Whaties instead, and now I want to write a story about Whaties, the cereal made from who knows what.
Live Wire interviews George Saunders
This last weekend, I listened to the radio show Live Wire on my local NPR affiliate. There was a good interview with George Saunders and his path to being a writer:
Live Wire Episode #357: George Saunders, Jay Larson, Jenny Bruso, and Horse Feathers