Over and over

OK, this is just a little one, but as a writer, I pay attention to these things.

Radio news at noon: “There’s talk about getting rid of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson again.”

Uh… no. They’re not talking about getting rid of him again. They haven’t gotten rid of him the first time. They’re talking again about getting rid of him.

Ice cream truck, late October

Random the dog, looking longingly at a passing ice cream truck

‪I hear the distant music of an ice cream truck…‬

Picture is of my dog on a similar day a few years ago wondering why the ice cream truck was not stopping for him.

They probably noticed he didn’t have his wallet.

Use your sunscreen

There’s a public service announcement on the radio that tells me “you have to put on sunscreen every two hours.” OK, but that’s going to be inconvenient at 2:00, 4:00, and 6:00 a.m.

Ad that bothers me #7421 (paraphrased):

“I love to listen to gospel music and in this car I can turn the volume up so loud that it sounds like a symphony and you can’t even hear it on the outside!”

You know what ELSE you can’t hear when you’re rolling around in your own little mobile symphony? Things you might need to hear while you’re driving, like car and truck horns and sirens.


Ad on the radio for a local car dealership, and the narrator commends the salesman for selling them a larger vehicle than they intended to buy, with AWD, thus “putting the customer first.”

Well played, salesman. You get a halo… AND a bigger commission. I’m sure that was just a coincidence, though.

Decluttering, or not

I was part of a writers’ retreat this weekend. The location was great, but lacked a stove. “I’ve got this,” I said.

I went home and got the electric skillet I’d inherited from my mother. I used it this morning to fry bacon, and sausages, and eggs scrambled and sunny-side-up. (Not both at the same time, though. An egg cannot be simultaneously scrambled AND sunny-side-up, except in Schrödinger’s kitchen.)

It was the first time I’d used it since I had it. The decluttering experts say to get rid of anything you haven’t used in a year. Those experts weren’t around to help me cook breakfast this morning.

‪And, by the way, the electric skillet? Avocado green, baby.‬