No more ridiculous than usual

Posted by me on Facebook:

Warning: there seems to be a fresh round of people making statements like they lost all their bras or they like mayo and peanut butter, and if you Like or reply, you are expected to post your own ridiculous statement.

I don’t do that, so feel free to like or respond to whatever outlandish posts you see here. Which is most of them, probably.

Winning BIG

Just heard an ad on the radio for a legal firm who says they “focus on winning, and winning big.”

I’m picturing all the other law firms hearing this and thinking “Why didn’t WE think of that?!?”

My next million dollar idea

My next idea to make a fortune: you’ve seen the ads for shirts designed to be worn untucked, right? How about a really LONG shirt so it doesn’t matter if you’re even actually wearing pants to tuck them into (or not)?

Instead of a nightshirt, I’ll call it a dayshirt.

You saw it here first.

Beat the clock!

Just saw a plot description about a kidnapped scientist and a rescue team trying to beat the clock, and I thought, just rescue the scientist and leave the poor clock alone!