I took out books from Schrödinger’s library, and now if I know where they are, I don’t know when they are due.
Schrödinger’s Dinner Reservation
I was going to have dinner with my friend Schroedinger tonight until I realized that I could know where I was to meet him or when, but not both.
Doctor Zhivago: Supermodel Edition
Hmm. On Travel Channel, I can see SI swimsuit models in Antarctica. On TCM, I can see Doctor Zhivago. I think I’ll switch back and forth to bring SI supermodels into the Russian Revolution.
Apocalypse when?
I am going to make a movie based on Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness” and cast it entirely with cats, and I shall call it “Apocalypse Meow.”
Also, I am going to stage a new version of Mary Poppins performed entirely by monkeys, to include the beloved big dance number “Chim-chimpanzee!”
Do better, CBS.
Oh, CBS Evening News. PLEASE tell me that you did not say that the lead story about the soldier who received the transplant of two arms was ‘the most amazing story of the day, hands down.’
I am going to write a novel titled SUPERANNUATED, about a superhero who has outlived his usefulness
A misdirection of Biblical proportions
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I realize my GPS has sent me seriously astray.
Tauntaun Abbey
I have it on good authority that Disney/Lucasfilm is working on a knockoff of Downton Abbey called Tauntaun Abbey. Tauntaun Abbey is set on the ice planet Hoth. The actors are hairy and smell bad, and the dialogue is boring.
Where do I file?
I can’t get the rest of 2012 done in the next 40 minutes. Can I file for an extension?
Extension options?
I can’t get the rest of 2012 done in the next 40 minutes. Can I file for an extension?