My next book will be a crossover between Snow White and The Hobbit, with just way too many dwarves.
Snow White and the Hobbit
My next book will be a crossover between Snow White and The Hobbit, with just way too many dwarves.
Final Fantasy
I won’t bother with Final Fantasy until I’ve played Penultimate Fantasy.
Cold remedies
When chickens get a cold, what do people tell them to take?
It’s a Wonderful Lie
I’m imagining a mash up between It’s a Wonderful Life and True Lies.
The result: It’s a Wonderful Lie, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. In it, Arnold jumps off the bridge yelling “I’ll be back!”
Snowing like crazy
I know what it looks like when it’s snowing like crazy out. What I want to know is, what does it look like when it’s snowing like sanity out?
Then again, I’m not sure I know what sanity looks like. Looking in the mirror sure didn’t give me any clues.
The suspension bridge of disbelief
I want to hire an engineer to design a Suspension Bridge of Disbelief. I’d charge tolls to cross it; double to come back.
… from what we lose…
“If we couldn’t get strong from what we lose, and what we miss, and what we want and can’t have, then we couldn’t ever get strong enough.”
― John Irving, The Hotel New Hampshire
Countering Hurricane Sandy
I have come up with a bold plan to counter Hurricane Sandy. I shall DRINK Hurricanes!
Splash of Grenadine, 2 oz. orange juice, 4 oz. pineapple juice, 1 shot dark rum. Repeat until the storm is vanquished!
The scariest Halloween story EVER
I’m writing the scariest Halloween story ever. It’s about a writer who writes the scariest Halloween story ever and dies just before hitting SEND.