Just a regular guy…

I just heard a PARTICULARLY stupid promo on the radio: “Who won the debates? The rich guy or the regular guy?”

Yeah, because the guy who was born in Hawaii, grew up in Indonesia, graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, past State Senator and U.S. Senator before he got his current job, is just a regular guy. Right. Guys like that are a dime a dozen on my block. Just another regular guy.

Goodbye to summer

If you didn’t say goodbye to summer with Labor Day, and you didn’t say goodbye to summer last Saturday, when we hit the equinox, you may be saying goodbye to summer today with the last day of September. October is many glorious things, but summer it is not.

Let me be clear

I’m going to start a new drinking game and down a shot of whiskey every time the President says “Let me be clear” in a speech. If I also down a shot every time the President says “Make no mistake,” I shall spend the rest of the election campaign completely plastered, which may have its advantages.