Thanksgiving Eve: when fugitive birds of all types sit around the campfire and swap stories about their respective narrow escapes…
“I’ll do that for you if you give me that cephalopod you’re holding.”
“But that would be…”
“Yes. A squid pro quo.”
You are more than your trauma
He fled to the form of wolf, trying to outrun his trauma, which always kept pace with him. Then one day, he heard the moon whisper, “You are more than your trauma,” and on that day, he discovered he was free to be human once again, if he chose.
Teach a werewolf to fish…
Give a werewolf a fish, he eats for a day.
Teach a werewolf to fish, he can eat fish (instead of you) for a lifetime.
Rainfall: impediment or inducement?
I hear rain fall. HEAVY rain fall.
“This would be a very good time to go outside,” my dog says.
Water dog. GO FIGURE.
Cats vs elves
I think cats are tough on elves. Ever since I’ve had cats, I’ve never once woke up to find a writing work-in-progress conpleted by elves during the night.
The kindness/cruelty balance of the universe
Whenever I pet some of my snoozy kitties and I get a little purr in response, I feel like I have somehow redressed the kindness/cruelty balance of the universe a little bit for a moment.
Fire dogs
Missed a fire call because the cats knocked the pager’s power supply brick from the wall.
I only heard the NEXT one because I was outside walking the dog and I heard the siren.
This is why you see fire dogs and not fire cats.
Methods of communication
The dog barked, knowing even as he did so that there were certain concepts which didn’t translate well into Dog.
He’d try interpretive dance next.
Crush strength of a trachea, calibrated in cats
If you want to know what the crush strength of my trachea is, it’s somewhat greater than the eleven pound cat sitting on it now,