Cook to perfection

I saw this line in a recipe: “Cook to perfection or until brown on both sides.”

Of course, I imagined this: someone’s cooking chicken. It’s lovely. It smells wonderful. They turn up the heat a little bit, and flip it over. Now they start to get a little anxious. Is it brown enough? Or has it gotten too brown? Is it sticking in the pan? IS IT PERFECT?

Then they remember : it’s cook to perfection, OR UNTIL BROWN. And THIS is certainly some shade of brown. They briefly contemplate writing a “50 Shades of Brown” cookbook before moving on to the next step in the recipe.

I’ll bet Chuck Wendig doesn’t have these kinds of problems when HE’S cooking.

The infantilization of language

I’m listening to the radio, and I’m hearing this weight-loss ad on the radio. If you’re an adult, that place between your chest and your hips is your stomach, not your tummy. If your tummy is too big, perhaps it got that way by eating too many sammies, or have you been overindulging in psgetti again? Just… STOP, before I have to come over there and make you stand in the corner.

Schroedinger’s avocado

Schroedinger’s avocado: you’re thinking about guacamole. There’s an avocado on the refrigerator. Someone may or may not have already made guacamole. Until you open the refrigerator door to check, the avocado exists simultaneously as both whole AND all mashed up. Kinda like Schroedinger’s cat, only tastier.

Grilled steak

And what goes with grilled steak? There are lots of good answers to that question, but on Friday, July 30, the answer was tater tots with catsup and Franks Red Hot Sauce, and sliced tomatoes with mayo.