Beneath dead leaves
Green shoots look up at snow
And laugh; “Your days are numbered,” they think,
“And ours are yet to come.”
My black dog’s shadow
Cast by waxing gibbous moon
Gray against the snow.
William Shakespeare, Meteorologist
If William Shakespeare was a weather forecaster:
“Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow
The daily highs will be in the 20s
For seven days henceforth
Save Saturday and Monday
Which will be colder still.
And snowfall each and every day, forsooth.”
Summer floats a slice of cucumber in my water glass;
Fall, a red maple leaf in my dog’s water bowl.
Another road less traveled by
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And I took the one paved in brick to match
And that is how I wound up in Oz.
My National Poetry Day 2012 poem
…and MY poem for National Poetry Day:
The sky tonight, so clear
I could see a million stars
Or at least nineteen
(plus the moon)
and then I ran out of fingers and toes
to count them on.
April Showers
April showers
Bring May flowers
March showers bring mud.
Signs of September
Bees bumble from goldenrod to goldenrod, and dodge the passing maple leaves.