Memo to flannel sleep pants

Memo to flannel sleep pants: it is May, and we are nearing the end of flannel sleep pants season. Some of you are wearing thin in places, and some of you have been patched. Please be notified that some will be selected for retirement upon the last wearing of this season. Thank you for your faithful service and for the survivors, see you in a few months.

Sincerely, the wearer of the sleep pants.

Spring sunshine

Spring sunshine can fool you, but think of it this way: we’re two months and a week away from the first day of summer.

Two months and a week from then is the end of August. So today’s sun is as strong as late August sun. It fools us because the air is cooler, but the sun is just as direct. AND, without much of a tan at this time of year, so we’re even more vulnerable.

Multiple choice exam

Multiple choice exam:

It’s snowing out! And there’s the forecast of two more single digit overnight lows. Your reaction is:

[ ] How lovely! A little fresh snow makes everything look so fresh and clean!
[ ] Oh, well. April’s right around the corner.
[ ] It’s the final straw. I think I shall take to my bed and huddle under the covers until the Fourth of July. It should be warmer by then, I hope.
[ ] All of the above
[ ] None of the above