* takes three items out of the freezer to reach the one item I want *
* three items will not fit back IN to the space formerly occupied by four *
Writes all the things. Most of the things never write back.
* takes three items out of the freezer to reach the one item I want *
* three items will not fit back IN to the space formerly occupied by four *
The light of the moon
is the flame which consumes
the human façade
until all that is left
is the wolf
that’s been waiting within.
I’m glad the human-wolf partnership worked out so well.
Can you imagine how much different life would be today if humans had taken a liking to the snake that slithered up closer to the campfire?
“Do not abandon yourself altogether either to instinct or to will. Instinct is a siren, will a despot. Be neither the slave of your impulses and sensations of the moment, nor of an abstract and general plan; be open to what life brings from within and without, and welcome the unforeseen; but give to your life unity, and bring the unforeseen within the lines of your plan.”
~ Henri-Frédéric Amiel
We entered Standard Time at the earliest possible date (November 1) and leave it at the latest possible date (next March 14).
Making this the longest possible Standard Time span possible.
Our fire department hosted a drive-through Hallowe’en.
Costumes were involved, for those who needed them.
bright now: Mars opposition.
I wave to rovers!
My last, because they closed for the season today. I’m grateful they were able to operate under the coronavirus restrictions.
Hurting yourself seems so redundant in a world fraught with opportunities intended to hurt you, or just hurting you casually, as incidental damage.
We’re all monsters. Find one you can love.
– January James (@JanuaryJames on Twitter)