Dialogue With My Car

Car interior light: “Look at me! I’m helpful! And smart! I stay on after you get out of the car, just in case you need some light! No need to thank me! I live to serve!”

Forty-five minutes later, I go outside with the dog.

Interior light: “Look at me! Still on! Still being helpful!”
Me: “Thanks. You can turn off now, though.”
Interior light: “Oh, it’s no trouble at all! Really!”
Me: “But I’d like you to turn off now. You’re draining the battery.”
Interior light: “I’m keeping the battery company.”
Me: “You’ve both had a long day. You should sleep now.
*open car door*
*flip interior switches at random.*
*nothing happens*
*close car door*
Lights dim, but do not go out.
Eventually, after an unhelpfully long time, the lights go out.
Do you suppose it would have helped if I had read my car a bedtime story? I’ll try that next time.