I wonder if there’s a drug to cure the obsessive delusion that everything can be cured with a pill.
Side effects may include diarrhea, headaches, amnesia, logorrhea, and exploding toenails.
Writes all the things. Most of the things never write back.
I wonder if there’s a drug to cure the obsessive delusion that everything can be cured with a pill.
Side effects may include diarrhea, headaches, amnesia, logorrhea, and exploding toenails.
Not to mention any names, but a friend of mine recently confessed that she harbors mise en place fantasies.
Autocorrect changed that to “muse en place,” which also sounds useful for a writer.
What if the wise men’s list had been in bad handwriting, and they’d brought gold, Frankenstein, and myrrh instead?
And then there’s Nestor’s brother Crestor, the long eared Christmas donkey with high cholesterol.
I saw an ad that asked “Is your underwear doing you justice?”
I didn’t even know it was judging me in the first place.
Sometimes I see an ad for a Garmin GPS and I misread it as Gaiman, which would take me in quite a different direction, if it was Neil Gaiman.
From my work in progress:
“The coffee tasted like someone had stubbed out a cigarette butt in a smoldering electrical fire. “
Hmmm. On the Weather Channel, they just said they “would be watching this storm with a fine toothed comb.”
I’ve been working on a story, and came up with the perfect title earlier. I was driving, and didn’t write it down, and couldn’t remember it later when I COULD write it down.
Since then I’ve brought it back to mind three times and forgotten it twice. THIS TIME I WROTE IT DOWN. HA!
I’m looking at the ads in the Sunday newspaper, and a local furniture and appliance store is selling camo refrigerators and camo freezers. Camo, as in a mossy oak pattern.
I’m thinking, a better camo pattern for the freezer in my garage would be Stacked Cardboard Boxes; maybe with a strategic cobweb here and there.