Karma and the frogs

It’s a wet night, so there’s more frogs on the road than I’ve seen all spring. I try to avoid hitting frogs as much as I can, but then I started thinking. If you were born a frog due to your past karma, and I hit the frog, would I have freed the frog from its existence so then it would be free to move up a step in its next reincarnation, OR would I be dooming it to be reincarnated yet another time to learn the lessons it had yet to learn as a frog?

This is why I try to avoid hitting frogs, it’s too much responsibility otherwise.

Some weres need hyphens. Others do not.

On a friend’s Facebook page, we’ve been discussing whether various werecreatures should be hyphenated or not. I usually don’t hyphenate unless it would put two vowels in a row. I WOULD hyphenate were-elephant, were-umbrella, were-aardvark.

Although, as I noted, if you’re a were-aardvark, you have bigger problems than whether your condition is spelled with a hyphen or not.


I saw a quote online, “Happiness comes when we stop complaining about the troubles we have, and say thanks to God for the troubles we don’t have.”

Thank you, God.
Today I was not attacked by renegade aardvarks.
I was not invaded by anteaters.
I was not caught in an antelope stampede.
There were no airplane crashes anywhere near me.

…and I’m barely into the As. This could take a while…

I’m especially grateful about the aardvarks, though.

Save the Snapping Turtle

Some people help little old ladies across the street.

I help baby snapping turtles across the street.

What? It was cute. It was only one inch long. Yes, I know it will grow to be bigger.

Besides, there are more snapping turtles that need help crossing the street around here than little old ladies.

Quoth the were-raven

There seem to be several works of fiction with the name Ravenous. I am disappointed that none of them involves a were-raven.

Quoth the were-raven, “Hey! I seem to be turning into a… caw! Caw! Caw!”