Cold fire

The light of the moon
is the flame which consumes
the human façade
until all that is left
is the wolf
that’s been waiting within.

Contingency plans

“Keep your hands where I can see ‘em!” he snarled.

it was then I knew the hours and hours I had spent learning how to do magic with my toes had not been wasted.

Beat the clock!

Just saw a plot description about a kidnapped scientist and a rescue team trying to beat the clock, and I thought, just rescue the scientist and leave the poor clock alone!


I love it when sportsball teams say they’ll “have to come ready to play.”

What ELSE did they think the whole “putting on uniforms and traveling” thing was about?

Team 1: puts on uniforms, travels to meet other team
Team 1: “So, what do you wanna do now?”
Team 2: “I dunno. Hey, how about we go out to grab a bite somewhere?”
Team 1: “Sounds good.”

Why the R?

I’m watching Batman on MeTV, and I just thought of something. Robin wears a green outfit with a red vest, a yellow cape, a black mask – and a white R in a black circle on his chest.

My question: why the R? Is that to distinguish him from all the OTHER superheroes running around wearing green outfits with a red vest, a yellow cape, and a black mask?

“Hey, who WAS that masked man?”
“Was he wearing a green outfit with a red vest, a yellow cape, and a black mask?”
“He sure was!”
“You didn’t happen to notice a letter on his chest…?”
“No, sorry, I didn’t.”
“Then it could be any one of a number of superheroes. I guess we’ll never know.”

Quoth the were-raven

There seem to be several works of fiction with the name Ravenous. I am disappointed that none of them involves a were-raven.

Quoth the were-raven, “Hey! I seem to be turning into a… caw! Caw! Caw!”

Zeno’s Werewolf

A very short story.

Zeno’s Werewolf

The moon is full at last, and I’m halfway to being a werewolf.

Now I’m half again there.

And again, halfway as close.

Too late. The moon’s no longer full.