Denude and deprivation

The word of the night is deprivation.

Deprivation reminds me of another recent word, denude. If privation is the lack of essentials, shouldn’t DEprivation mean the removal from that condition?

IMpure evil

‪A movie trailer has a character described as “pure evil.”‬

‪Now I want to write a character of impure evil. She’ll kill you, but you can fool around a little first.‬

…and the winner is…

Both the Screen Actors Guild awards and the NFL Pro Bowl are on tonight. I’ll be switching back and forth between the two, which may result in me seeing an award for Best Acting in Exaggerating an Injury on the Field.

Reversion, though, implies a lower plane…

I just got an e-mail inviting me to join a spiritual organization whose beliefs include reincarnation, and who said “And if you are interested kindly revert back to us for more details”.

Hmm. If I did that, what would I be reverting back to? What do they know that I don’t?

(I don’t believe in reincarnation. But my past self did.)


The word of the night is ubiquitous.

just remember, there is no ‘quit’ in ubiquitous.

Wait, that’s not it.

There is no ‘I’ in ubiquitous.

No, that’s wrong too.

You can’t spell ubiquitous without ‘us.’ It’d just be ubiquito.