An ad I just heard on the radio just used the phrase “pony up.”
I know what it means, but I don’t understand it. When was the last time a pony gave you money for anything? According to my horse-owning friends, the cash flow is always the other way.
Writes all the things. Most of the things never write back.
An ad I just heard on the radio just used the phrase “pony up.”
I know what it means, but I don’t understand it. When was the last time a pony gave you money for anything? According to my horse-owning friends, the cash flow is always the other way.
I am going to write a story where the flawed but lovable victim of a mad scientist’s gene splicing experiment says “I’m sorry. I’m only sorta human.”
My next book will be about a Greek woman who drives taxi by day and trains for a marathon by night.
The title will be DEMETER IS RUNNING.
I’m writing a new version of Crime and Punishment where all the characters are deer.
I’ll publish it under the name Fyodor Doestoyevsky.
Then I’m going to write a script for a movie where the life story of a famous Russian writer is told by a toy cowboy and spaceman and dinosaur.
Yes. That would be Tolstoy Story.
If the world was my oyster, how would I possibly get enough cocktail sauce to go with it?
When the moon hits MY eye like a big pizza pie, for an instant I realize the whole ‘moon is made of cheese’ thing was true.
When the moon hits my eye like a big pizza pie, I say “OW OW HOT MOLTEN CHEESE OW.”
Hey, how about an evil Sith Ewok? Or a Sith Gungan?
The names I give winter storms are normally muttered under my breath as I’m out shoveling snow.
Is there any way I could secretly instigate a war between the Ewoks and the Gungans?
Ewoks are to Wookies as chihuahuas are to Great Danes.
Remember this. It may be on your next SAT exam.