Raindrop on Roses > Black Ice on Roads

When The Sound of Music collides with the current weather forecast in my brain, this is what happens:

Black ice on roads is a thing that I’m hating
Rain that then freezes is not worth creating
Breaking the branches to which the ice clings
Both of these are my least favorite things…

(Try not to picture me in lederhosen yodeling this. Oh, TOO LATE! That’s an image you could have done without.)


Exciting news! The cats have informed me that the Saturday before Thanksgiving is a holiday called Caterday, when cats feast on all the good food they can eat. They have requested tuna.


The dogs went outside, saw the snow, looked excited, and looked at me. I think they think I was responsible for this somehow.

Yes, dogs. I turned the world into a giant Sno-Kone FOR YOUR BENEFIT. You’re welcome.