Solstice story, 2019

The start of my Solstice Story, 2019:

Once upon a time there was a winter that arrived much too early, which pleased hardly anybody except for the snowmobilers, who had been waiting for more snow since last March.

Come the solstice, everyone else groaned and muttered that they were ready to see winter LEAVE by now. Or, at least, as soon as possible following a pleasantly white Christmas.

This made the Solstice sad, but then, the Solstice was used to it by now. It wasn’t the first year the Solstice had gotten this reception. Most everyone looked past the Solstice to the arrival of Christmas, and their big plans were for THAT.

Nobody left out a plate of milk and cookies for the Solstice.

(I don’t have the middle worked out, but it ends:]

And then everyone got puppies and kittens. Cute, fluffy kittens of every variety. And the lost socks were found.

The End

A surefire plan

I see the name Adam Driver, and I start imagining a Garden of Eden heist story and a surefire plan to get away that goes awry.

“What do you mean, we don’t have a getaway car?”

New horizons

“Touch me somewhere I’ve never been touched,” she breathed.

“I heard Poughkeepsie is nice this time of year,” I said.

“That… wasn’t exactly what I had in mind,” she replied.