Hmm. On Travel Channel, I can see SI swimsuit models in Antarctica. On TCM, I can see Doctor Zhivago. I think I’ll switch back and forth to bring SI supermodels into the Russian Revolution.
Apocalypse when?
I am going to make a movie based on Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness” and cast it entirely with cats, and I shall call it “Apocalypse Meow.”
Also, I am going to stage a new version of Mary Poppins performed entirely by monkeys, to include the beloved big dance number “Chim-chimpanzee!”
I am going to write a novel titled SUPERANNUATED, about a superhero who has outlived his usefulness
A misdirection of Biblical proportions
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I realize my GPS has sent me seriously astray.
Tauntaun Abbey
I have it on good authority that Disney/Lucasfilm is working on a knockoff of Downton Abbey called Tauntaun Abbey. Tauntaun Abbey is set on the ice planet Hoth. The actors are hairy and smell bad, and the dialogue is boring.
Where do I file?
I can’t get the rest of 2012 done in the next 40 minutes. Can I file for an extension?
Extension options?
I can’t get the rest of 2012 done in the next 40 minutes. Can I file for an extension?
Snow White and the Hobbit?
My next book will be a crossover between Snow White and The Hobbit, with just way too many dwarves.
Snow White and the Hobbit
My next book will be a crossover between Snow White and The Hobbit, with just way too many dwarves.
Final Fantasy
I won’t bother with Final Fantasy until I’ve played Penultimate Fantasy.