Cats vs elves

‪I think cats are tough on elves. Ever since I’ve had cats, I’ve never once woke up to find a writing work-in-progress conpleted by elves during the night.‬

Language challenges

‪Sometimes I write a sentence like (speaking of a white leather sofa) “Did it have transparent vinyl covers on it, or was its pristine albinism sufficient ward against the incursion of the mundane?” and I think, TOO ABSTRUSE. NOBODY’S GOING TO UNDERSTAND THAT.‬

‪And then I think, no one’s gonna understand ‘abstruse.’‬


“It”s gonna be a nice fall-like afternoon today,” the guy on the radio says.

Yup. Nothing gets more fall-like than a day in October with typical temperatures. When it’s, you know, FALL.

The sacrifices we make…

Dinner at Rudy’s, Friday, October 4, 2019

Sometimes I’m in Oswego during the Rudy’s season, and I’m in a little bit of a hurry, and I think, do I want to go to Rudy’s? And more often than not, I do, because I realize, I CAN DO THIS FOR THE ONES WHO DON’T HAVE THE OPTION. It’s the sacrifice I make, willingly.

No need to thank me. The food is reward enough.


The moon won’t be completely full for another day, but it’s 99.3% full now, which is close enough for most werewolves.

Modern wishes

Modern wishes aren’t what they used to be. These days, it’s “Have a wonderful day!” or “Enjoy that cake!” Used to be, wishes and gifts involved big and dangerous things like turning stones into bread or making everything you touch turn into gold.

Admittedly, those seldom went well.

(n-1) won’t fit

  1. Go to freezer, remove ingredient for dinner
  2. Wonder why (n-1) things won’t fit back into the freezer where n things fit to start with.

I may never have to buy food again. I take things out of the freezer, and it never gets any emptier. The downside of that: I take out some things and ask myself, what did that used to be?