I saw a roadside tree with ripe apples, and considered stopping and taking one, but that never goes well in fairy tales, does it?
The writer paid by the word
How you know a writer is being paid by the word: when he writes something like this –
“Behold us, turned to birds, a prey to the talons of kites, hawks, and falcons! Behold us made companions of water-hens, snipes, goldfinches, woodpeckers, jays, owls, magpies, jackdaws, rooks, starlings, woodcocks, cocks, hens and chickens, turkey-cocks, blackbirds, thrushes, chaffinches, tomtits, jenny-wrens, lapwings, linnets, greenfinches, crossbills, flycatchers, larks, plovers, kingfishers, wagtails, redbreasts, redfinches, sparrows, ducks, fieldfares, woodpigeons and bullfinches!”
(To which the editor replies, “I think we got the point after, oh, the first half-dozen birds listed.”)
The evil writer
“I’m not saying he’s evil… but he puts the sin in synopsis.”
Who loves ya, baby?
“There’s something very soothing about hanging out with people who know all about your faults and like you just fine anyway.”
~ Maggie Stiefvater
Whenever I reject a writing idea as impossible, it becomes both irresistible and inevitable.
(Don’t be) the world’s biggest jackass
Lindsey Graham recently advised “Don’t be the world’s biggest jackass.”
I must admit, there may be better ways to get yourself into the Guinness Book of World Records.
I’m sorry to say that this statement has crowded out all the search results for just how big the world’s biggest jackass is or was. As a result, he remains in obscurity.
Everything they’ve got
“They’re going up against us with everything they’ve got!”
I think I’ll write a story where “They’re going up against us with maybe half of what they’ve got! Give or take ten percent!”
The Love Story of LuLuBelle and Billy Bob
Maybe next time he’ll think before he cheats, she thought. Then she realized, naw. Billy Bob never was big on thinking anyway.
The end.
Interviews I have known
Interviewer: What is your greatest weakness?
Interviewee: Coming up with plausible answers to stupid interview questions.
A leap of faith
My horoscope today says “Before you take a leap of faith, be sure you are heading in a direction that is in your best interests.”
This is good advice. As any number of funny animal videos show, if you jump in some random direction, you’re likely to comically crash into something by accident.