With the Presidential debate tonight, each camp is trying hard to lower expectations. The President’s camp is praising Romney as a skilled debater, while the President has not had to debate for several years, so is likely to be rusty. The Romney camp retorts that the President is known to be a gifted orator, and that Romney has been working hard just to utter intelligible grunts during debate prep.
A debate drinking game
We’re approaching the start of the debate, so let’s review the rules.
If the President says “Let me make this clear,” drink a shot.
If the President says “Make no mistake,” drink a shot.
Just a regular guy…
I just heard a PARTICULARLY stupid promo on the radio: “Who won the debates? The rich guy or the regular guy?”
Yeah, because the guy who was born in Hawaii, grew up in Indonesia, graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, past State Senator and U.S. Senator before he got his current job, is just a regular guy. Right. Guys like that are a dime a dozen on my block. Just another regular guy.
Let me be clear
I’m going to start a new drinking game and down a shot of whiskey every time the President says “Let me be clear” in a speech. If I also down a shot every time the President says “Make no mistake,” I shall spend the rest of the election campaign completely plastered, which may have its advantages.
The letter and the number of the day
This formation of geese flying south for the winter has been brought to you by the letter V and the number 17.
The Most Attractive Man in West Monroe
Worked a function down at the fire department tonight; washed lots of plates, cups, bowls and steam trays.
If women find a man attractive who is doing dishes, for several hours tonight I was the most attractive man in West Monroe.
Happy Birthday, Stephen King!
Today is Stephen King’s birthday, and I didn’t even send him a birthday card. Or a still-beating heart, which is what he really wanted, and never gets.
Goldilocks and the Three Weird Bears
I am reminded of when my mother read me “Goldilocks and the Three Weird Bears.” One was not weird enough and was boring. The second bear was too weird and thus, incomprehensible. The third bear got weirdness JUST RIGHT. What, you mean your mother never read you that one?
the art of being weird enough (+ the success secret of the “rule of thirds”) – Justine Musk
The peril of a vegetarian diet
Perdue is advertising that they feed their chickens an all-vegetarian diet. Admit to being a vegetarian around them at your own risk.
I love the letter Z.
I love the letter Z. Without it, eppelins would sail the skies, while ebras would roam the savannas. And who would ever attend Umba classes?